
Friday 8 April 2011

April Special Offers

Barkers would like to remind you of our special offers for April only.

Duvets of any size cleaned for only  £9.99

10% off our curtain cleaning service - which includes take down and re hang.

Feather pillow re - make two for £ 9.99 ( usually 6.99 each )

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Vinegar...Good for washing clothes in?

Yes thats right - Vinegar has many surprising uses and here's another one! It is excellent for removing grease from suede. Dip a toothbrush in some vinegar - distilled white or apple cider vinegar both work well - and gently brush over the grease spot.

Also, to prevent colours from fading, add half a cup to the rinse cycle. And remember to turn your clothes inside out which also helps prevent fading.

For more hints and tips about laundry and dry cleaning visit our website at www.barkergroup.info

Friday 1 April 2011

April Fools Day

Have you had fun today pulling pranks on people for April Fools Day? Any idea why April 1st is called April fools day?

TGIF....Some light humour with Jack Dee to kick off the weekend!

Maybe you can relate to this scenario in a dry cleaners!? You've not been using Barker Group then obviously!